What Happens During a Commercial Building Inspection?

It’s extremely important to have a detailed evaluation of a commercial building and its systems, whether you are buying or selling. Evolve Property Inspections can provide you with all the information you need with our comprehensive commercial building assessments. Knowledge is power, and an informed buyer or seller will make better decisions. Here is what you need to know about our commercial building inspections process.

Commercial Building Inspection

Walk-Through Survey

First, the inspector will conduct a thorough on-site visual examination of the property’s physical condition. This assessment will focus on the building’s critical systems and components including but not limited to:

  • Heating and ventilation systems
  • Cooling systems
  • Plumbing systems 
  • Mechanical and electrical systems
  • Roof surface, drainage, and penetrations

The commercial inspector may use a team of specialty consultants, such as plumbers, electricians HVAC contractors, engineers, etc., to provide their expertise during the walk-through survey, 

Document Procurement and Review 

During this portion of the service, the commercial inspector will request and review documents and records about the property. They may need to see lease agreements, Certificates of Occupancy, building and fire code violations, service contracts, repair invoices, and maintenance records. They will also interview the person with the most knowledge about the condition of the building. Along with that interview and a review of the building’s history, they will be able to identify any potential deficiencies about the building.

Inspection Report

The written report will be the final piece of the commercial building inspection. This will contain all the details from the walk-through survey, the documents obtained, the results of interviews, and any other third-party reports that were ordered. The inspection report can be used to understand and address the issues that will impact the building from a physical standpoint and financial perspective, as well as the health and safety of the building’s occupants. Every inspection and subsequent report will be different based on the type of property and its use, the scope of work for the inspection, and even the inspector, so previous inspection reports should not be relied upon as an accurate record of its current condition.

Schedule a Commercial Building Inspection

At Evolve Property Inspections, we will provide you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision with our comprehensive commercial building assessments. Contact us at (305) 506-8969 to schedule a commercial building inspection. We serve Miami-Dade County and the surrounding areas.

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