Setting the Record Straight: 5 Myths about Home Inspections

An inspection is a crucial step in the home buying process, and it needs to be conducted by a certified professional. After all, this step has the power to bring the real estate transaction to a halt. Evolve Property Inspections understands the weight of the responsibility that home inspectors carry into each inspection, and we don’t take that lightly. Let’s take a look at five common myths surrounding home inspections, and set the record straight.

Florida home inspection

Myth #1: Houses Will Either Pass or Fail an Inspection

There is no such thing as passing or failing a home inspection. The purpose of a home inspection is to accurately report on the physical condition of the home to determine whether or not it is safe. The home inspector will provide a report of their findings, and then you must decide if the home meets your standard based on that report.

Myth #2: A Home Inspection Determines The Home’s Appraisal Value

An inspection and an appraisal are two different things. Home inspectors will examine a home to determine whether it is safe or has any potential issues that you need to be aware of. An appraiser will assess the overall condition of a home as well as things outside of the seller’s control, like square footage.

Myth #3: Buyers Should Not Be Present during a Home Inspection

Buyers can absolutely be present during a home inspection. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the home you are about to purchase. Then, once you have the official inspection report in hand, it will make much more sense based on your first-hand conversation with the inspector.

Myth #4: Home Inspectors Will Give Advice on Purchasing A Home

The job of the home inspector is not to provide guidance on purchasing the home. They are completely neutral in the transaction and are simply going to tell you about the condition of the home based on their examination. The home inspector describes the condition of the home at the time of inspection but does not guarantee future condition, efficiency, or life expectancy of systems or components. The home inspector will provide you with the information you need to make the best possible decision.

Myth #5: Any Home Inspector Will Do

A home inspector needs to have the proper licensing and experience to most effectively inspect homes, and not just any inspector will do. The residential and commercial Certified Master Inspector at Evolve has inspected homes for over ten years, and he has worked in the real estate industry even longer. For three years running, has awarded Evolve Property Inspections an A+ rating as one of the Top 17 Best Home Inspectors in Miami-Dade County.

Schedule Your Home Inspection

Our job at Evolve Property Inspections is to eliminate the stress from your home-buying experience so that you have the information you need to make the best decision. Contact us at (305) 506-8969 or request a quote for a home inspection. We serve Miami-Dade County and the surrounding areas.

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