A Buyer’s Guide to a Complete Home Inspection

You’re finally ready to put an offer on a house, but you need to know what issues may be lurking that could cost you money down the road. That is where a home inspection comes in. At Evolve Property Inspections, we help our clients understand the condition of the home they wish to buy with a detailed inspection report from one of our certified master inspectors. Let us walk you through the essential things you need to know about home inspections and how the inspection may impact your real estate deal.

Single Family Home Inspection in Miami

What Types of Inspections Are There?

Evolve Property Inspections’ single-family home inspection is a detailed evaluation that will identify flaws within your home and its components before the real estate transaction closes. We also offer insurance inspections as well as environmental and other specialty inspections that may become necessary throughout your time in the home, such as wind mitigation inspections, 4-point inspections, termite inspections, and mold inspections, to name a few. These items are not covered in a general home inspection, so any specific concerns you have may warrant one of these specialized inspections.

Top Problems Found in Home Inspections

We have compiled a list of the top problems we often see during home inspections. Any of these issues can be very costly, proving that the home inspection is a worthwhile investment that should not be skipped. We have encountered faulty plumbing, mold and mildew, chimney issues, HVAC issues, foundation and other structural damage, poor roof quality, inadequate drainage, faulty electrical wiring, and poor upkeep across the homes we have inspected over the years.

The Good News and the Bad News 

The good news is that our home inspections are thorough. We will assess the interior and exterior elements of the home, like the plumbing, electrical, HVAC, and roof, as we make our way through an extensive checklist. The bad news is that the home inspection might uncover more issues than you want to remediate in your new home. It’s always best to know what you are getting into and potentially make the difficult choice to move on, saving your future self-time and money. 

Call Today and Schedule Your Home Inspection

At Evolve Property Inspections, our customer-centric business approach is to help eliminate as much of the stress of buying a home as possible. We serve homeowners in Miami-Dade County and the surrounding areas of Kendall, Pinecrest, Coral Gables, and Broward County with various inspection services. Contact us today at (305) 506-8969 to request a quote or to schedule your inspection. Join the growing list of satisfied clients we’ve helped in the last decade.

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